
Topinpuisto is a circular economy network and hub in Turku launched in 2016. Network of 22 organizations implement efficient public-private cooperation in circular economy and waste management.Topinpuisto has expertise in e.g. textile recycling, municipal and company waste management, biogas production, recycling of industrial metals, circular economy education and collaborative R&D projects.

Services are developed through R&D projects in cooperation with companies, universities and authorities of Turku region, offering possibilities for university students to work with circular economy throughout their studies. Topinpuisto circular economy hubs’ good infrastructure and competitive location alongside the E18 motorway offers connections to docks, airport and other major cities in southern Finland. Topinpuisto has a Visitor Centre which offers a pedagogic approach to circular economy and possibilities to host delegation visits.

Please contact:

Miia Jylhä

R&D team leader
020 728 2114


Hub location

Coordination: Lounais-Suomen Jätehuolto