An innovative, industrial-scale, multidisciplinary bio- and circular economy business area, ECO3, is being built in the excellently located Kolmenkulma business park, situated in the Finnish growth corridor near Tampere. The core of the industrial activity is being formed from bio- and circular economy companies. i.e. nutrient, wood and technical cycles as well as smart & renewable energy solutions. These activities offer possibilities to many other tech and service companies in the bio- and circular economy, water-economy and energy field.

From this area of independent organizations, a new creative ecosystem has developed, which exceeds traditional sector boundaries, and in which one person’s waste is another’s commodity. This nationally significant competence centre works simultaneously as a demonstration and pilot environment, which we develop by co-operating with both domestic and foreign companies, as well as universities. We offer companies co-operation, shared resources, concepts, platform services and joint visibility.

Take a look at the ecosystem here.

Hub location
Coordination Business Tampere