Circular economy village
Fortum’s unique circular economy village in Riihimäki is a pioneer in future waste management. The circular economy village concept is unique both nationally and internationally. The idea is that waste must be utilised as raw material wherever economically feasible.
In the circular economy village, community waste circulates through an automatic sorting plant, or eco-refinery, in which biowaste, plastic, metal and recycled fuel suitable for industrial use are separated. The remaining waste, or reject, is not suitable for recycling, but is used for electricity and heat production at our waste incineration plants in Riihimäki. The recycling of plastic waste for reuse takes place in a plastics refinery, which is part of Fortum’s Circular Economy Village complex and produces high-quality recycled Fortum Circo® raw material for the needs of industry.
Riihimäki Circular Economy Village also has access to zoned land areas suitable for recycling operations. The City of Riihimäki is currently looking for companies engaged in the further processing of fractions or utilising the waste heat generated by waste incineration and interested in running a business in the area. The circular economy cluster in Riihimäki also has many other companies, such as Suomen Kelapalautus Oy, which has created a cable reel recycling system, and Green Disposal Oy, which specialises in SER recycling.