6Aika: Circhubs 2
6Aika: CircHubs2
Project name: 6Aika CircHubs2
Completion perioid: 6/2021 – 5/2022
Program: 6Aika is a strategy for sustainable urban development. It is a joint strategy of the six largest cities in Finland 6Aika-strategy
Partners: Coordinator Lounais-Suomen Jätehuolto Oy and execution partner Kiertokaari Oy.
Finance: The strategy and its projects are funded by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), European Social Fund (ESF), the Finnish Government, the participating cities and project partners.
Project target and activites:
In CircHubs2 project we are creating a “circular economy store” concept, a new type of operating and service platform that enables the deployment of service concepts with the principles of the circular economy and sustainable development. The target is to create an operation model, that leads us to build a concrete “circular economy store”. At the store customers can purchase upcycling products, use sharing economy services and boost the talent to repair or pimp up own products.
6Aika: CircHubs2 -project offers innovation and development support to the companies to accelerate their own circular economy business concepts in Turku and Oulu. We bring companies together to co-create new upcycling and circular economy businesses that support reuse and upcycling of the waste material streams. We want to find new innovations and ideas how the products cycles can be exceeded, and valuable materials will be stay in use and circulation for maximal timeframe. We co-create the circular economy innovations and design a concept for the “circular economy store” operation model.
We invite companies to work with us and get support to accelerate the ideas and business models, co-create together with peers and experts and create a deep customer understanding of their needs and desires.
Co-operation can include:
● Innovate and develop the business models of upcycling products and services
● Study and define the waste and material stream ownership value model
● Customer needs and demands for the “circular economy store”
● Co-creation of “circular economy store” concept and business model
The results are shared within the project partners and widely tough the CircHubs network and channels.