Ohituskaista uudelleenkäyttöön – Fast lane for reuse

Implementation period: 4/2023 – 3/2025

Partners: Coordinator Lounais-Suomen Jätehuolto Oy and the executional partner is Kestävän Kehityksen Yhdistys ry, Turku Ekotori

Finance: The project is co-funded by the European Union. The project is also financed by its implementers.

Project goals and actions:

The purpose of the “Fast lane for reuse” project is to establish the reception and processing of goods to be reused from households in the region, in addition to the third sector, into a broader regional cooperation network. ​

In the project, a model for the reception of reusable goods and materials prepared for reuse in connection with waste management services is created and piloted. The processing of materials is developed so that companies and communities in the region have wider opportunities to utilize them.​

The main target group of the project are companies in the region that develop their own business in the reuse market and in accordance with the principles of the circular economy. Companies get circular economy know-how, materials for their own business as well as synergy benefits from pilots with new materials in cooperation with other circular economy operators in the region.​ The project is implemented as a co-operation project between Lounais-Suomen Jätehuolto and Turku Ekotori, involving companies identified as significant in the development work and other operators in the region.​​