Tampere University

Tampere University studies and develops both business competence and new technologies and materials in fields closely related to circular economy. Due to its extensive experience in carrying out circular economy projects, Tampere University is an expert in the field of circular economy business models. The CITER (Center for Innovation and Technology Research) research group from the unit of Industrial Engineering and Management at Tampere University participates in the development of the circular economy hubs of the future. The group specialises in the development and production of solutions, information, and competence for improving competitiveness in the technology-oriented and changing operating environment.
Hannele Väyrynen
Tutkija, Projektipäällikkö / Researcher, Project Manager
050 3011 294
Leena Aarikka-Stenroos
Associate Professor (tenure track)
050 301 5476
Marko Seppänen
Professori / Professor
040 588 4080
Jarmo Uusikartano
Projektityöntekijä / Project Worker