Lounais-Suomen Jätehuolto Oy

Kuormakatu 17
20380 Turku


Lounais-Suomen Jätehuolto Oy

Lounais-Suomen Jätehuolto Oy provides residents with assistance in waste-related issues and promotes sustainable consumption choices. The company takes care of the public and household waste reception points in the area of 17 municipalities. The company manages 4 waste centres and 8 attended sorting stations. The company’s principal places of business are located at Topinpuisto, Turku, and Korvenmäki, Salo. The Topinpuisto circular economy hub includes facilities for the reception, storage, and pretreatment of waste, as well as a sorting station and waste dumping area.

Kuormakatu 17
20380 Turku

Miia Jylhä

Tutkimus- ja kehityspäällikkö / R&D Manager
020 728 2114

Kaisa Jussila

Projektisuunnittelija / Project Planner
020 728 2089

Jyri Metsänranta

Tuotantojohtaja / Production Director
02 727 6850