Kiertokaari Oy

Ruskonniityntie 10
90620 Oulu

Kiertokaari Oy

Kiertokaari Oy is a municipal company whose operational area accommodates approximately 280,000 residents in the area of 9 municipalities. Within our operational area, we take care of the municipalities’ waste treatment, provide waste-related counselling and information, and promote waste prevention, recycling, and waste recovery. For the waste collected within its operational area, Kiertokaari offers a safe landfill in the Rusko waste centre in Oulu. The company is also responsible for the collection of the municipalities’ recyclable material and hazardous waste.

Ruskonniityntie 10
90620 Oulu

08 5584 0010

Helmi Riihimäki

Ympäristöpäällikkö / Environmental Manager
044 703 3953

Mari Juntunen

Erityisasiantuntija / Senior Specialist
044 703 3977