Ekokumppanit Oy

Valssipadonraitti 3
33100 Tampere


Ekokumppanit Oy

Ekokumppanit Oy provides information, counselling, training, and specialist services in the Tampere region in order to promote lifestyle choices and business activities that support sustainable development. The eco-partnership, which is unique even on an international scale, was established in Pirkanmaa in 2003 when the City of Tampere founded EcoFellows Ltd. with its public utility companies and Tampere Regional Solid Waste Management Ltd. Since the beginning of 2009, Tampereen Sähkölaitos Oy has been the third owner of the company. We are part of an European network of energy agencies.

Valssipadonraitti 3
33100 Tampere

Suvi Holm

Toimitusjohtaja / CEO
040 704 4099